Seminario Prof. Umesh Kadhane: Indian space endeavors and role of IIST

Seminario Prof. Umesh Kadhane, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology

Indian space endeavors and role of IIST

Area della Ricerca di Tor Vergata
Aula IB09  o al link
31 Ottobre 2023
11:00 AM (CET)

The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) is the first space university in Asia and was established in the year 2007. IIST has been providing a very well-trained workforce to the Indian space program. At the same time, IIST is actively involved in front-end research in space technology and sciences. In this endeavor, the Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP), Electric Propulsion Diagnostics (EPDL) and Sensors and Payloads Labs (SPDL) play a key role. Prof. Umesh Kadhane will present a brief summary of the research and development activities pursued in these three labs and highlight the role and contribution of students.


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