Informazioni utili

Visitor Information

AdR RM1 is located 30 km North –Est of Roma nearby Monterotondo Scalo  with convenient access to a major highway  (Roma-Firenze) and  a very convenient train connection with Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci Airport  and Roma city area.  The nearest train station is “PIANABELLA DI MONTELIBRETTI”, at a walking distance from the main entrance and security check point.

Moreover, a shuttle connection from the train station to AdR is also available.
The location can be found HERE


Entry/ID Requirements

Visitors must present and leave their identification document to the receptionists, receive an appropriate badge and the form to be filled by the local CNR staff host who has to sign the Form for Access. by the end of the visit. The signed form has to be returned at the exit, in order to resume the Identification document.

AdR is a secure facility, operating under CNR regulations for restricted entry. All visits to the AdR must be notified via a written form by responsible staff members who have to sign the appropriate Form for Access. Staff members hosting visitors are responsible for ensuring that all security requirements are met.



Visitors should park in the designated parking lot closest to the building where the visit/ meeting is being held (see ADR RM1 Campus Map).


Wireless Coverage

ADR RM1 has a Guest wireless network that is available for general use by visitors to the campus. Ask the ADR RM1 staff member  who is inviting you for details.